Please contact us
fake hublotPlease make all inquiries and reservations by telephone.
(843) 524-3177
Please note that the indicates that New St. is ONE WAY north-bound from Bay St. to Craven St. Therefore, the only way to get to the Old Point Inn via car is by Bay St.
From Downtown Savannah
- Over Talmadge Bridge, Route 17 to Route 170;
- Follow Route 170 to end (Route 170 takes a right, passes 2 bridges and goes into Beaufort city limits);
- Take a right onto Route 21
From Savannah Airport & I-95 North
- Exit Airport to I-95;
- Go north on I-95 to Exit 8 in SC;
- Go right at the end of ramp;
- Follow Route 278 and take left onto Route 170;
- Follw this road to the end (Route 170 takes a right, passes 2 bridges and goes into Beaufort city limits);
- Take a right onto Route 21
From I-95 South
- Take I-95 South to Exit 33 to Route 21 into Beaufort;
From Charleston
- Take Highway 17 to Garden Corner, then go left on Highway 21 into Beaufort;
Once in Beaufort
- Where Route 21 splits to the right, continue straight on BUSINESS ROUTE 21;
- Follow this road to light at Bay Street (you will be facing bridge to Lady’s Island) – DO NOT go over bridge;
- Take left onto Bay Street, pass 3 houses, the road will turn to the left and become NEW STREET;
- We are the first house on left (you’ll see the sign on the red brick wall and front door to the right) – 212 NEW STREET